mimo keď som.
Som spokojná so svojím projektom o Metamfetamíne, som vzdelaná ako nejaká trnafská fetka, prómová pikérka.
Aj Stereometria sa mi ráta o čosi ľahšie... keď viem, že ma v tom niekto podporuje. Ešte keby to aj s tou hlúpou chémiou šlo. Že vraj mám len zničenú sebadôveru a sebaúctu a sebahodnotenie.
Štekal po mne žiarlivý pes, ja nežiarlim, mala som totiž dvojkolesového tátoša.
Pri predstave robenia ďalšieho projektu mi až tak príjemne nie je.
Odo dnes zas vidím krajšie.
Aj keď zo stresu mi býva zle až tak, že som sa trikrát skoro dovracala, už s tým prestanem a ignorujem to, čo ma sťahuje dole. Pá-pá, hlúposť, pá-pá.
Ej, aj čítať by som mala.
A tak si užívam pekné počasie.
Here are some benefits of being an introvert:
- Independence: Introverts don’t look to others as much as extroverts do before making a decision about something. Instead, they tend to weigh the pros and cons and the issues themselves and then come to a conclusion. This makes them more independent at work. On the downside, too much independent decision making can be seen as non-collaborative so there is a balance to be struck.
- Creative and imaginative: Introverts are deep thinkers and spend a lot of time reflecting and thinking things through rather than talking. This fuels their creativity and imagination.
- Self-reflective: Again, due to the tendency to think and to spend quiet time alone, introverts tend to be very self-reflective. This is a good thing since it helps introverts make necessary personal changes that can make them better workers, partners, and parents.
- Studious: Studying is an ideal introvert activity. It’s quiet, thoughtful, and requires alone time. This makes introverts gravitate towards it and gives them a bit of an edge.
- Great at maintaining long-term relationships: Introverts don’t feel like every acquaintance is a friend. Instead, they feel that their good friends are those who they know really well and have a history with. They value these friendships and place great value in maintaining them.
Calexico - Crystal Frontier (neviem, či zrovna táto sa mi ták páči, ale oni sú dobrí)
Azealia Banks - 212 (páči sa mi jej drzosť)
A tak ďalej, to snáď nabudúce.